2010-2011 Undergraduate Studies Bulletin (Frozen) [Archived Catalog]
Art Studio, B.A.
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Learning Outcomes
- All BA Studio Art undergraduate students will explore the development of art, within their own and other cultures, from pre-history to the present, .
- All BA Studio Art undergraduate students will critically analyze aspects of the design and art making proces and evaluate theories, philosophies, and research in the practice of the studio arts.
- All BA Studio Art undergraduate students will, through their artwork, demonstrate their competency of aesthetic literacy.
Degree Requirements (120 Hours)
- College Core
- Distribution Requirements
- Cultural Awareness and Writing Emphasis Requirements
- Major
- Cognate or Minor
- Electives
College Core for B.A. and B.F.A. Degrees - Curricula I
Students are encouraged to demonstrate the level of accomplishment represented by core courses by means of advanced examinations. See the section on advanced placement in the “Admissions Policies and Procedures ” section. Writing (6 Hours)
English 101 and 102 must each be passed with a grade of C or higher, and must be completed within the first sixty hours of the degree in order to count these hours toward the total needed for graduation. English 101 is prerequisite to English 102, and students must complete both English 101 and 102 (or equivalent) before taking any other English course. Foreign Languages (0-9 Hours)
Demonstration of proficiency in one foreign language equivalent to the minimal passing grade on the exit examination in the 122 course. Students can demonstrate this proficiency by successfully completing Phase II of the Proficiency Test or by successfully completing the 122 course, including the exit exam administered as part of that course. History other than American or European
Select 1 course from the following: Mathematics/Analytical Reasoning (6 Hours)
Select 1 option from the following: Option One
- MATH 122 or MATH 141
- Select 1 additional course from Mathematics (MATH) at a higher level, Philosophy (PHIL) 110 , 111 , Statistics (STAT), or Computer Science (CSCE)
Option Two
Select 1 option from the following:
- PHIL 110 and PHIL 111
- Two courses in Statistics (STAT)
- Two courses in Computer Science (CSCE)
MATH 221 and 222, Basic Concepts of Elementary Mathematics I and II, are open only as electives to students pursuing certification in Early Childhood or Elementary Education. Laboratory Sciences (8 Hours)
Select 2 laboratory courses from the following:
- Anthropology (ANTH) ANTH 161
- Astronomy (ASTR)
- Biology (BIOL)
- Chemistry (CHEM)
- Environmental Studies (ENVR) ENVR 101 , ENVR 101L
- Geology (GEOL)
- Marine Science (MSCI)
- Physics (PHYS)
Each science course must have a co-requisite laboratory. The 2 courses need not be taken in the same field. Lab credit cannot be applied unless its co-requisite lecture is also applied. Philosophical Reasoning (3 Hours)
- Select 1 course in Philosophy (PHIL), excluding PHIL 110 and PHIL 111
Distribution Requirements for B.A. and B.F.A. Degrees - Curricula I
Humanities (12 Hours)
Must include areas specified below. Major prerequisites may be used for no more than three hours of the Humanities requirement. 399 courses and internships may not fulfill this requirement. Fine Arts (3 Hours)
A course or courses dealing with the study and/or practice of the visual and performing arts. Students may take courses in art studio, art design, art history and appreciation, film, media arts, music history and appreciation, music theory and performance, theatre history and appreciation, acting, stagecraft, theatre design, and dance to fulfill this requirement.
Courses in speech (SPCH) apply to the humanities requirement, but do NOT satisfy the fine arts requirement. Theatre production laboratories (THEA 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 219, 220, 221), one-hour credits for participation in music organizations (band, chorus, orchestra), dance company, and MART 302 do NOT apply to the fine arts requirement or to the humanities requirement. Literature (200 or higher) (3 Hours)
A literature course numbered 200 or higher. Students and their advisors should note that this requirement includes the sophomore literature courses in the Department of English (ENGL 270-289), but is not limited to these courses. Higher level literature courses in the Department of English as well as comparative literature courses and literature courses taught in foreign languages may be included. Additional Humanities (6 Hours)
Select 2 courses from the following:
- African American Studies (AFRO)
- Art (ARTS)
- Art Education (ARTE) excluding 399, 465, 471, 555, 595,
- Art History (ARTH)
- Classics (CLAS)
- College of Liberal Arts (COLA) pending content
- Comparative Literature (CPLT)
- Dance (DANC) excluding 177, 577
- English (ENGL) 270 or higher
- European Studies (EURO) 300 only
- Film and Media Studies (FILM)
- Foreign Languages and Literatures (ARAB, CHIN, FREN, GERM, GREK, ITAL, JAPA, LATN, PORT, RUSS, SPAN, SWAH) excluding 100 levels and 315
- History (HIST)
- Latin and American Studies (LASP) 201 , 301 , 341 , 342 , 361 , 371 , 398 pending content, 441 , 442 , 447 , 471 , 481 only
- Linguistics (LING) 301 , 405 pending content, 421 , 431 , 440 ,441, 442 , 502 , 503 , 504 , 505 pending content, 512 , 514 , 530 , 540 , 565 , 600 , 610 , 620 , 627 , 650 only
- Media Arts (MART) excluding MART 302 and 399
- Music (MUSC) excluding one-hour credits for participation in music organizations and 399
- Philosophy (PHIL) except 110, 111, 399, 511
- Religious Studies (RELG)
- Southern Studies (SOST) 298 , 299 , 301 , 302 pending content, 305 , 405 pending content
- Speech (SPCH)
- Theatre (THEA) excluding THSP 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 219, 220, 221, 399
- Women’s and Gender Studies (WGST) 111 , 307 , 308 , 320 , 321 , 430 pending content, 437 , 464 only
Social Sciences (9 Hours)
Select 3 courses from at least 2 of the following subject areas:
- Anthropology (ANTH) excluding 161, 399 and 501
- Criminology and Criminal Justice (CRJU) excluding 202, 301, 399, 494
- Economics (ECON) excluding 399, 421, 499, 524, 595. ECON 221 and 222 or 224 are prerequisite to all upper level courses. Students may apply 221 and 222, or 224, but not both, to the degree
- Geography (GEOG) excluding 201, 202, 399, 595
- Latin American Studies (LASP) 301 , 311 , 312 , 315 , 322 , 325 , 331 , 351 , 398 pending content, 425 , 451 , 455 only
- Linguistics (LING) 300 , 340 , 405 pending content, 442 , 505 pending content, 540 , 541 , 543 , 545 , 567 , 570 , 600 only
- Political Science (POLI) excluding 379, 399
- Psychology (PSYC) excluding 226, 227, 228, 399, and 594-599; 101 is prerequisite to all courses numbered 400 and above
- Sociology (SOCY) excluding 220, 399; 101 is prerequisite for all others
- Southern Studies (SOST) 298 , 299 , 301 , 302 pending content, 305 , 405 pending content
- Women and Gender Studies (WGST) 112 , 210 , 300 , 301 , 304 , 305 , 307 , 308 , 310 , 351 , 352 , 358, 430 pending content, 454 , 525 , 554 , 555
No more than 3 hours of major prerequisites may be applied towards the fulfillment of the Social Science requirement.
Internship and independent study courses as well as social science statistics courses may not be applied to the social sciences requirement. Cultural Awareness Requirements for B.A. and B.F.A. Degrees - Curricula I
Students must complete the specified number of courses in each of these areas, but may use these courses to satisfy other degree requirements except where specifically restricted. Cultural Awareness (9 Hours)
A minimum of 3 courses, with at least 1 course from each of the following:
- a course treating in some specific way the culture of the student's foreign language
- a course in North American studies
- a course in a culture other than American or Western European
A wide variety of courses can be considered under the general category of "Cultural Awareness." Students are directed to consult the Guidelines for Advisement and their major advisors for specific courses. Art Studio Major (39 Hours)
A minimum grade of C is required in all major courses. Art Track (24 Hours)
Select 1 track from the following:
ARTS Electives (15 Hours)
Select 15 hours of ARTS 200 or above.
Six of these hours must be chosen in one of the following areas: painting, drawing, printmaking, 3D studies, ceramics, photography, design. The six hours must correspond to the students chosen track. Art History (9 Hours)
- Select 9 hours from ARTH*
*Art history may count as a general education requirement, cognate, or free elective. Cognate or Minor (12-18 Hours) for B.A. and B.F.A. Degrees - Curricula I
The cognate is designed to support the major. The cognate must consist of twelve (12) hours of courses at the advanced level, outside of but related to the major, and the cognate must be approved by the major department through the major advisor. The cognate may be taken in one or more departments or degree programs, depending on the interests of the student and the judgment of the advisor. In certain cases, cognate courses may be selected from the professional schools.
- Cognates must be selected from outside the student's major program.
It should be emphasized that the cognate is not a second set of elective courses to be chosen at random by the student. The cognate must be approved by the advisor as being related to the major field of study. The Office of Undergraduate Academic Affairs will not recognize cognates that have not been approved by the major department. Students are urged to consult their departmental advisors for specific requirements in their major.
- All cognate courses must be passed with a grade of C or higher.
In place of the cognate a student in the College of Arts and Sciences may choose a minor consisting of at least 18 credit hours of prescribed courses. The subject area of the minor may be related to the major. Students pursuing interdisciplinary minors who wish to use courses in their major department for minor credit must petition the College Committee on Scholastic Standards and Petitions for permission to do so.
The minor is intended to develop a coherent basic preparation in a second area of study. It differs from the cognate inasmuch as the courses must be concentrated in one area and must follow a structured sequence. Interdisciplinary minors can be designed with the approval of the dean.
- Courses applied toward general education requirements cannot be counted toward the minor.
- No course may satisfy both major and minor requirements.
- All minor courses must be passed with a grade of C or higher.
- At least half of the courses in the minor must be completed in residence at the University.
Electives for B.A. Degrees and B.F.A. - Curricula I
Students should take note that the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degrees in Curricula Section I require a minimum of 120 semester hours in academic subjects. (Other degrees may require more than 120 semester hours.)
No courses of a remedial, developmental, skill-acquiring, or vocational nature may apply as credit toward degrees in the College of Arts and Sciences. The College of Arts and Sciences allows the use of the Pass-Fail option on elective courses. |
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